Hotel Brest Balladins : hebergement à la pointe du Finistere en Bretagne

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legal mentions

Édition/publication of the site:
253 street of the Paulet General
29200 BREST.

Limited liability company Hook Hotel trade

RCS : 383 352 713 000 28 BREST
Intracommunity VAT:  FR 593 833 527 13


Tel.: +33(0) 2 98 47 31 02
Fax: +33(0) 2 98 41 01 63

Director of the publication: Mrs. Gaëlle FATHERS.

Realization of the site:
RCS Rennes B 444 724 462
Registered office: Technopôle of Rennes Atalante
80 avenue of the hillocks of Coësmes
35700 RENNES - France
Tel.: 0 810 810 815 (Price of a local call)

Lodging of the site:
COGNIX SYSTEMS starting from platform OVH
RCS Roubaix-Tourcoing B 424 761 419
Registered office: 140 Quay of Sartel
59100 ROUBAIX - France

Respect of the private life and the personal data:
The data are collected with an exclusive aim to establish a trade and professional with the customers.
The data in personal matter are preserved by HOTEL BALLADINS EXPRESS TRAIN OF BREST for one reasonable period.
If the person does not provide all information requested in an obligatory way in the forms of the site (* obligatory Champs), it cannot validate the form and cannot thus return in contact with HOTEL BALLADINS EXPRESS TRAIN OF BREST.

The collection, the recording and the conservation automated of personal information are carried out on this site in accordance with the law Informatique and Freedoms n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to the protection of the physical people with regard to the processings of data in personal matter modified by the law n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004.

The right of access following and of correction envisaged in article 34 and of the above mentioned law is exerted by mail with the address: HOTEL BALLADINS EXPRESS TRAIN OF BREST - 253 street of the Paulet General - 29200 BREST.

Opinion relating to safety:
In order to ensure its safety and to guarantee its access to all, this Internet site employs software to control flows on the site, to identify the unauthorized attempts of connection or change of information, or any other initiative being able to cause other damage. The unauthorized attempts at loading of information, deterioration of information, aiming at causing a damage and generally very reached with the availability and the integrity of this site are strictly prohibited and will be sanctioned by the penal code. Thus article 323-1 of the penal code provides that the fact of reaching or of being maintained fraudulently, in whole or part of a system of automated processing of data (it is the case of an Internet site) is punished two years of imprisonment and 30000 Euros fine. Article 323-3 of the same code expects that the fact fraudulently of introducing data into a system of automated treatment or to remove or modify fraudulently the data which it contains is punished five years of imprisonment and 75000 Euros fine.